Kimana - the Kimet'iana Language

Word Part of Speech Definition
anet noun flat bread
ao noun person
darcha noun Curry/stew, has spices, is lucky when red
ka verb be
kase adverb around
ked noun sibling/brother/sister
Kimana adjective used to describe things related to the Kimet'iana like language or planet of origin
Kimana'kase noun literally "around the Kimana people", the planet
lel pronoun you
lel adjective your
lin noun mentor/teacher, needs to be attached to another noun like Shu, Ao, or a name
lis pronoun we/us
lis adjective our
nale pronoun what
nis pronoun I/me
nis adjective my
seka verb go
she adveb no/not
sheta adjective good
shu noun parent
shu'lin noun mentor, very close teacher, like a parent
Shu'kase noun "parent around", the Kimet'iana concept analogous to the force or to mother earth, producing life and being produced by it
shu'kase'ao noun the Kimet'iana concept analogous to Force user
sin adverb how
rak adjective ready
ta'ir noun dear/darling
te verb auxillary verb used as a future indicator
ti adjective little
ti'ao'nis noun my child, literally "my little person"
vesran verb sleep
ya conjunction so