Moros Ise

Moros Ise
Name sign: Distant Shadow
A vocano in the distance, with a scrub dotter desert in the foreground
Physical Characteristics
Species: Leroti
Fur Color: Yellow and brown striped
Eye Color: pale green
Secular ExploriCorps ID: AB91109625
Email address:
  • morosdragonise933@leroti.chekal-tanen.e-asu.cit
  • AB91109625@jediorder.exploricorps.rel
Pronouns: Name only/this one/that one
Date of Birth: 930 ARR
Former Job: Wandering computer specialist and priest

Moros's life is defined by Miron and Miron's kidnapping. Moros is Miron's twin, the one who was left behind in the Leroti Cluser. It took Moros a long time to pull that one's life together after Miron was kidnapped for a number of reasons. Both Miron and Moros were from the town E’asu on the planet Chekal Tanen in the Leroti cluster, a small, fairly low tech agricultural town. Both twins showed signs of having the knack, what Jedi and Sith call being Force Sensitive, but Moros really came into it in the aftermath of Miron's kidnapping, developing a long-term form of precognition that doesn't really register details, but which deals with helping decide which decision will give the best results long term.

Only about half the people with the knack actually got training for it, but because Miron and Moros had been unusually close as children, their parents had started to save up to send them off to learn control. With only Moros, they were able to afford lessons to help Moros with control as Moros grew up, before they sent Moros off to university. While Moros was in university, that one studied both the Leroti religion (to learn more about how to use their knack and also to have a solid base to help Miron push back against Sith ideals) and Computer Science (which is what that one actually planned to make a career in).

In the original time, Moros never physically joined the crew of Hokkaitam, and only met with them in person a handfull of times.


Moros's role was to be the main source of non-Force information about jobs. That one was the one who scoured the bounty and job boards and contacted employers on behalf of the crew. That one also worked with Treis on the crew's long term plans.

Fighting Skills

None. Moros knows some non-physical tricks, but nothing that would hold up against more than one unprepared person.


Moros knows Basic, a little Kimana, Leroti, and archaic Leroti, which many Leroti religious texts were written in.


Savit Altan Aruna

Savit only grew to like Moros after learning about Moros as a distinct person and growing to like that one. The two of them started out talking tech, but ended up getting off topic as they talked longer, jumping from news and advancements to other news, etc. Moros has also seen more of Savit’s fade-outs than the others on the ship because that one’s not there to touch him, but also tends to be the best at getting him through and out the fade outs, again probably because that one’s not there and doesn’t have the option of physically disturbing him, which sends him deeper. Is to the point where if Savit is faded out, and they can call Moros, the others do.

Miron Ise

Twins who both kind of thought the other had nothing to hide even as they both hid secrets from the other while living in each other’s heads, Miron kidnapped and tortured, Moros feeling immense survivor’s guilt that Moros wasn’t in Miron’s place even as Moros felt the torture, both with wildly incompatible views of what the mystical force in the universe is, dealing with being in the same space for an extended period of time and needing to deal with their own individual emotions about other members of the crew rather than some combination (even as the combination lingers) for the first time ever.

Atorm Itnal

Atorm is actually less enthusiastic about Moros than he was about Miron, even taking into account the whole terror of Miron hunting then, once he realized that a lot of Miron’s most solid opinions were Moros arguing for Leroti points rather than actual modern Sith philosophy.

Tinor Jason

Didn’t really interact, though Miron provided Leroti medical information upon request.

Arkaitsz Kaya

Part of the push for the trio to quartet was genuinely Nila’s cultural comfort. But. Part of the reason Nila wanted to push was that they were all attracted to Moros. Arkaitsz was genuinely attracted to Moros before anyone knew Moros existed, and was uncomfortable with it for similar reasons to their discomfort with Nila - they were seeing Moros peeking out of Miron, who they kinda-not-really-but-essentially saw as their apprentice in a Sith fashion, and Sith apprentices are extremely vulnerable to their Masters. It made them grumble to Isha about being attracted to people vulnerable to them and what it said about them. They were genuinely very relieved to learn about Moros as Miron, and even more so as Moros, becoming more comfortable, began to act distinctively differently (more comfortable with Leroti body structure, trained in dancing rather than fighting), and even more relieved when they realized that the traits they were attracted to were overall Moros rather than Miron and they found the Miron traits they were attracted to became no longer so strongly attractive once no longer part of a single person. Moros is not unaware of Arkaitsz’s attraction, but not aware that is focused on Moros rather than Miron and isn’t ready to be attractive or in a relationship.

Treis Kelech

Treis and Moros had good lines of communication, with Moros helping them find jobs for money regularly, and Treis keeping track of the planning, I’m thinking Moros’s closest friend after the polycule

Isha Kiri'e

Isha is aware that Arkaitsz’s polycule is interested in Moros and thus, like Miron but for different reasons regards Moros more as Arkaitsz’s. The distance issue also complicated things especially since she doesn’t want to take up the time they do have together, so her communications with Moros as Moros are mainly limited to questions on Leroti art and customs. In person with Moros as Miron, she does try to spend more time talking (more so than with Miron because Miron isn’t a potential future partner) and her assessment is favorable if a bit dubious because Moros is so firmly rooted in Leroti culture that that one’s perceptions a and actions are like visibly colored by them, which is part of how Isha can tell the twins apart. Moros sees Arkaitsz and Isha as equals, influenced by the twice human length lifespan of Leroti where there’s plenty of room later in life for mentor-mentees to equalize in experience. Beyond that, Moros enjoys the written discussions of Leroti culture that one has with Isha, and is disconcerted by the in Miron conversations because that one’s has registered a difference between Isha’s interactions with Moros vs with Miron and the twins were under the impression they blended fairly well. Though, part of the reason Isha can tell is specifically because of her discussions with Moros, and her subsequent understanding of Leroti culture, allowing her to pick out the specifically adult Leroti aspects of Moros that Miron never learned.

Nila Sini

Nila’s feelings on Moros, on the other hand, are more complicated. Like Savit, Nila only got to know Moros after the reveal. She was more initially reserved about Moros as a metamour because to her, Moros was more the one in charge of that mess, and thus the one to be more wary of. It also took longer for Nila to get to know Moros, even through the medium of body sharing - than it took the others, simply because Miron was more comfortable with Nila, and thus Moros felt less inclined to take over. But once she did have a chance, they found they could talk for hours about religion and spirituality. Nila did a lot of research into them for her writing and also just because she wanted to, and thus comes at it from an academic point of view, while Moros comes at it from a religious specialist internal point of view with that one’s training, as well as a more cohesive (if not internal) view of the current Bane Sith line’s perspective that Moros wrote copious notes on when Miron let that one so as to be better able to distinguish Banite Sith philosophy from Leroti philosophy from that one’s own personal philosophy.

Terys Osseri

Terys understands that Moros is Going Through It right now, but Terys will always come down on Miron’s side. Usually, he’s mostly ambivalent, he’ll get along with Moros and makes an active effort to not drive Moros away, so Miron Durant feel upset, but he especially dislikes when Moros participates in the Dark Side Debates because Moros self-acknowledgedly isn’t Dark and isn’t debating on Dark principles but Leroti ones, and while Leroti principles have their place, if this was an open debate, everyone on the ship would be participating. For a long time, Moros participating also meant that Miron couldn’t really.

Torkal Rheiss

Torkal is making an effort to mediate between Moros and the rest of the crew as someone without strong feelings either way. Torkal wasn’t very close with Moros before, any information he gathered being passed through Treis, but they did know each other through Treis, and Torkal is making sure that everyone remembers Moros’s physical presence where the others go to call that one, remember they can’t, and their minds skip straight to can’t talk, forgetting they could find that one in person.