Creator | Word | Meaning |
fialleril | akki | sweetheart |
akku | sweetheart | |
amakurra | Mother Strengthening porridge | |
amakuuna | the Mother's Promise', Ghomrassen | |
amarattu | mother's protection | |
amatakka | Amatakka, Amavikka spoken language | |
amavikka | Amavikka | |
amavikka | child of the Mother, amavikka person | |
amee | amee bush | |
amu | mother, mom | |
an-umakkar | rainstorm | |
anakin | rain-bringer | |
ani | raindrop | |
anu | freedom | |
anu | rain | |
ar-amu | Our Mother | |
attan | sibling | |
attana-kassu | neice | |
attana-noma | nephew | |
attana-vikka | nibling | |
attanda | elder sibling | |
bakkru | bakkru dance | |
bek-nalu | soul-touch | |
bentu | judgement, justice | |
bentu depurak | Judgement of the Masters, Reckoning of the Masters | |
beru | surgeon | |
cadralthin | cadril chili | |
cadril | chili pepper | |
cadril | spice-mixture | |
chelii | runaway | |
chelik-ta | safe house | |
chinaa | chinaa seeds | |
chinaka | sweet porridge, porridge | |
dakkalu | strength now, be strong now | |
dal | dal root | |
dep | chain, fetter | |
depukreta | chain-healer, traitor | |
Depur | slave owner, slave master | |
depuskalta | chain slayer | |
dukkra | freedom, death/release | |
ebra | laughter, meriment | |
gal | older person, honored parent | |
gar-ipa | grandfather, honored father | |
ikkal | sister | |
ikkalda | elder sister | |
ikkalli | younger sister | |
ikkelta | elder sister | |
ipa | father | |
ka | (masc.), uses he/him pronouns | |
kai | yes | |
kaktru | kaktru cactus | |
kashka | day, daylight period | |
kashka | holiday, day of celebration | |
kashka-makkat | Day of Tricks | |
kassu | daughter | |
keekta-du | one who has fogotten where they come from | |
ki | (neutr.), uses they/them or neopronouns | |
kol | without | |
kol-depuan | unfettered, free | |
ku | (fem.), uses she/her pronouns | |
kuuna | promise | |
kuunaka | marriage stave | |
laara | laara plant | |
laarazu | laara seed | |
lukka | free | |
makk | trick | |
marokkepu | The Water Giving, Marukeepu | |
masa | to be, to represent | |
masalu | existing, real | |
mittanku | one who freed oneself | |
mittu | endurance | |
nala | to be born, to hatch | |
nimdara | martial art | |
nimku | person with power, person with agency | |
nittu | night | |
noma | son | |
penu | disguise, mask | |
pikot | pikot root | |
ralthin | stew, cooked food | |
rappali | gossip, a gosspiper, 'little mouth' | |
rappali | rappali bird | |
rattu | protection | |
relkin | guide | |
riya-chelik | freedom trail | |
sehpamee | amee bark | |
sehpu | bark, tree bark | |
shmi | wise person, one who is wise | |
shmina | symbol of wisodm | |
shmina | wisdom | |
takka | speech, tongue | |
tar-mish | dumpling | |
tena | plant, that which grows | |
tenarakin | Guermessa | |
tera | everything | |
terak | everything, the universe | |
terak | rocks | |
terak | wild land, planetary surface | |
tukraska | tusken alphabet | |
tukraska | tusken sign-language | |
tukratta | dragon, krayt | |
tzai | tea | |
umakkar | sandstorm | |
umakkar | storm, sandstorm | |
upan | brother | |
vikka-terak | lone freed person | |
vulappa | hutt cake | |
vulappu | hutt cakes | |
waru | personal name, given name | |
berim | ak | alas |
akk(u) | sentient | |
alut(u) | orange | |
amakura | Mother Strengthening porridge | |
amavikk(u) | Amavikka | |
anubaa | anooba | |
aniar | secret freedom | |
attann(u) | younger sibling | |
attan(u) | elder sibling | |
ai-leli | shining one, light one | |
balatt | balott vegetable | |
bantaa | bantha | |
bena | to grasp, to hold tightly | |
benusa | to carry, to support | |
ber | beru flower | |
bachel | wander-lust, courage | |
baml | bargain | |
burt | pond | |
kadralthin | cadril chili | |
kadril | chili pepper | |
kadril | spice-mixture | |
cam(u) | watchful, vigilant | |
cheela | to flee, to run away | |
daiaru | listener | |
dantuu | needle, pin | |
dantuu | spine | |
dantu-kish | bristlemelon | |
depa | to chain, to force | |
depa | to kidnap, to deliver into slavery | |
dep(u) | chained, fettered | |
depukret(u) | chain-healer, traitor | |
depurrei | slave auction | |
depuskaltu | chain slayer | |
depuvelltu | chain gilder | |
der(u) | friendly | |
dera | to do something kindly | |
derirapa | to command, to speak forcefully | |
di(u) | cold | |
dirikum | funnel flower | |
d(u) | bigger (compared to) | |
ereiba | to finish, to come to an end | |
es | though, by way of | |
vlensar | flensor bird | |
kalump | kalump | |
kanan | ganno succulant | |
kashibek(u) | soft, expensive feeling | |
kavin(u) | handsome, pretty | |
kilah | kilah bat, sand bat | |
erkshal | Tatoo I, White Sun | |
jinsu | jinsu, painkiller herb | |
hal(u) | milky, sweet | |
hal(u) | nourishing | |
halked | milk liquor | |
haluta | haluta centipede | |
hrukaak | gravel maggot | |
hruk | maggot | |
ikkaldu | elder sister | |
ikkaln(u) | younger sister | |
ikku | burrower | |
dershal | Tatoo II, Red Sun | |
imaeth | veil | |
imer(u) | veiled, secretive | |
imeru | id maker | |
itz | cooking fire, hearth | |
japur | japor tree | |
japuur | jappur wood | |
java | Jawa | |
jedak | of the Jedi | |
jenah | love | |
jiira | to find, to catch | |
jiira | to remark upon, to care about | |
jiira | to search for | |
jiira | to see | |
jir | community | |
jiral | unity, of community | |
juja | to kidnap | |
kalruta | to be allowed to , may | |
amukaria | to become a mother, to become pregnant/gravid | |
kashke | day, daylight period | |
kashkeke | tomorrow | |
kashkelu | today | |
kashkete | yesterday | |
kasu | daughter | |
kattana | flax | |
wind, breeze | ||
kel | colorless, neutral | |
kent | symbol, letter | |
kena | to write | |
kestaa | star, the stars | |
khabasar (x) | womp weasel | |
khabashir (x) | womp rat | |
kibtat | dry gene wheat | |
kike | a, any | |
kirdak | death seed | |
kal | without | |
kal-depuran | unfettered, free | |
kak(u) | empty | |
kalak | nothing | |
kalava | to improvise, to make do | |
kalnem | nameless | |
kana | insurance | |
kapacha | pod race | |
kardi | sugarwood, liqorice | |
kautavur | touch starvation | |
kavul | skin-contact | |
kavuak | hook-up, sexual relationship | |
kret | dragon, krayt dragon | |
kreka | to heal, to repair | |
kreku | healer, repair person | |
krite | small bird, songbird | |
kuimaz | tezirett seeds | |
kuim | tezirett plant | |
kuri | seduction | |
kur | hearty food | |
kusa | to eat | |
kusa | to feed (to someone) | |
kushkkanuh | mealworm | |
kusur | sarlacc | |
laar | laara plant | |
laaraz | laara seed | |
lul(u) | good, alright | |
lap | fritter, crepe | |
leemasaileth | storyteller, poet | |
leemasailu | storyteller, poet | |
lekku | lek, head-tail | |
alutlev | nervous, scared | |
mureklev | lonely, isolated | |
lik | sea | |
lakr | logra | |
lukk(u) | free | |
lukk(u) | yellow | |
lukk | yellow | |
lukkulei | sorcery | |
lutv(u) | dangerous | |
melea | to call out, to cry out | |
melea | to yell, to shout | |
mandatakka | Mando'a | |
marattu | teacher, master | |
marakkepu | The Water Giving, Marukeepu | |
marsta | to negotiate | |
marstu | swindler, sweet-talker | |
mar | water | |
masal(u) | existing, real | |
masiv | massiff | |
mas | butter | |
japrazamas | japor-butter | |
meikilkib | venemous bat | |
mekshihr | meat stock | |
mele | mele bush | |
mikash(u) | expensive | |
mil(u) | attentive, focused | |
minva | hello, hi | |
minak | mynok | |
misa | to reminise | |
mittank | one who freed oneself | |
mitt | endurance | |
mivitt | meewit | |
mak(u) | bad, wrong | |
malal | molo shrub | |
murek(u) | purple | |
nak | porridge, pudding | |
nalanund | freeborn, freeborn person | |
nalikehna | to live | |
nal | birth, hatching | |
nalnukukeh | breath | |
nalnukukeha | to breathe | |
naatta | to save, to rescue | |
nar-arpali | chemi lizard | |
nart | canal, channel | |
naiak | mokery, cruel joke | |
nela | to give a gift, to gift | |
ninchiv | land fish | |
nittu | night | |
nittuatlu | tonight, this night | |
n(u) | (something else) is big compared to, small | |
nuda | to do | |
nunerta | to fish | |
nush | abundance, prosperity, fertility | |
ema | to light up (an area), to shine | |
arin | bird of prey | |
pada | to absolve, to forgive | |
pada | to redeem | |
pada | to show mercy | |
palak | dune lizard | |
pampakk | jewel, jewelery | |
para | to dream | |
para | to think, to ponder | |
paru | philosopher | |
parinitta | to lie down to sleep, to bed down | |
parirukku | dream weaver | |
parna | to rest, to take a break | |
patak | bright, bold | |
patal | rope | |
pat | canal, border | |
pen | disguise, mask | |
pik | pika fruit | |
pikat | pikot root | |
pakki | pocky grub plant | |
palta | palta bean | |
pattr | podracer vehicle | |
pul | but | |
kkahnu | worm | |
kkala | to roast, to burn | |
kkelina | to tell a story, to talk | |
kkelin | story | |
kkish | melon, gourd | |
rahlik | sand sea | |
rahsh(u) | sand-like, rough | |
uman | sand | |
rak(u) | wild | |
rant | territory, state | |
raplia | to speak, to make a statement | |
rapal | gossip, a gosspiper, 'little mouth' | |
rapal | rappali bird | |
rashparis | sand raiders, outlaw group | |
ratap | knife | |
ravor | raivor | |
reshikabek | smooth, feels unlike sand | |
rig(u) | moving downwards | |
rij | underneath, on | |
ril | dune | |
riiaj | trail, path | |
riia-cheliik | freedom trail | |
rukk | spider | |
rukku | spinner, weaver | |
rukkareeu | knowledge preserver, travelling weaver | |
ruta | to stop, to end | |
rikritt | rycrit | |
rilatakka | Ryl, Twi'leki | |
rimal | goodbye, farewell | |
sahrin | cleansing, cleaning | |
sahr | broom | |
samkedim | desert gin | |
sapara | dye | |
sapara | marinade | |
sapa | to soak, to drench | |
sasi | moth | |
sehp | bark, tree bark | |
sesa | to go, to move away from | |
sesiela | to come, to move toward the speaker | |
sesikara | to be blown, to sway | |
shamara | to sluice, to irrigate | |
shatt(u) | fast | |
shihr(u) | meaty | |
shihr-shir | rat meat | |
shihrapal | jerkey | |
shisesa | to flow | |
shke | if | |
shmieth | wise person, one who is wise | |
shminaken | symbol of wisodm | |
shmin | wisdom | |
sh(u) | many, a lot | |
shube | sausage | |
shurs | foundation, base | |
shutinu | bat, flying mammal | |
sidi-kkish | sidi gourd | |
silia | medicinal plant | |
skal | alphabet | |
shes | dust | |
suda | to whirl, to spin | |
sur | ditch, puddle | |
sailu | poet, storyteller | |
taa | hide out, shelter | |
tag(u) | white-hot | |
taha | to murder, to kill violently | |
tanda | to fix, to repair | |
tavr(u) | red, crimson | |
tematt | help, assistance | |
tenek(u) | green | |
tenek(u) | green | |
teral | everything | |
teramitt | endurance of the world | |
teramittu | Tatooine, planet of Tatooine | |
tib | success, achievement | |
tib(u) | successful, fulfilled | |
tibar | answer, gift | |
tab | second time | |
tanip | credit, republic credit | |
taraz | driss seed pods | |
taraz | driss flower | |
tavur | hunger, starvation/yearning | |
trepa | to smuggle | |
treplur | smuggler | |
treplu | smuggler | |
trun | troona | |
tsai | tea | |
tsinshir | fang-rat | |
tzin | tooth, fang | |
ub(u) | clever, cunning | |
ubatah | ubba bread | |
ul | blue | |
ulanun | bluefish | |
umekni | cut, tear | |
umurek(u) | extravagant | |
upa | brother | |
upets | market | |
upedapal | dry dazzler | |
upuda | to blind, to dazzle | |
ushk | bird of prey | |
uttakka | Basic, Basic language | |
uttar | city center | |
uttar | Core Worlds | |
uttarant | Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire | |
vapus | vaporator | |
veki | hello, hi | |
velchev | gilded person', favored slave | |
velta | to keep | |
vel(u) | decorated, prettied up/gilded | |
ven(u) | silver colored | |
vintam | flow | |
vuland | t'landa Til | |
vulap | hutt cake | |
vulapu | hutt cakes | |
vulrant | hutt-space, hutt territory | |
vuta-pel | woodu eggs | |
vutuu | woodu | |
vaklutu | inspector, supervisor | |
var | memory | |
varuu | personal name, given name | |
yan | gloomy place, shadowy place | |
yan | shadow | |
iunek | thunderclap | |
zizr | cricket | |
zukka | zucca | |
zukkakki | zukaki, purple mantis | |
kehran | akar | wind |
anyarei | conspirator | |
attani | younger sibling | |
gilkah | kilah bat, sand bat | |
kheptag | Tatoo I, White Sun | |
taveshal | Tatoo II, Red Sun | |
gan-amu | grandmother | |
gan-eni | grandparent | |
gan-ipa | grandfather | |
tsubiike | tomorrow | |
tsubiilu | today | |
tsubiite | yesterday | |
lala | good, alright | |
nittu | night | |
panirigu | to lie down | |
rah | sand | |
rukkareye | knowledge preserver, travelling weaver | |
blw | a | into, inside |
ahap | dune boars | |
aila | mist, smoke | |
aka | snippet, luck talisman | |
akh | alas | |
akka | sentient being | |
alpalu | bantha jerky | |
alut | orange | |
amn | black | |
amnabtu | black salt | |
analev | freedom runner, free-maker | |
ani | small freedom | |
anken | freedom mark, scar | |
anku | freed person | |
anya | secret freedom | |
apalu | dry, dried | |
aplutu | drought, aridity | |
ardis | ardees | |
ari | a few | |
arint | ant | |
arlei | great dragon, great serpant | |
arro | black melons | |
aru | most, very | |
azu | seed, seedpod | |
balott | balott vegetable | |
banta-shihr | bantha meat | |
bantiskar | bantha blood | |
bashmu | viper, venemous snake | |
beht | mine, excavation | |
bek | touch, connection | |
berim | song, melody | |
binut | fish eggs | |
bochel | wander-lust, courage | |
bomlu | bargain | |
bora | wish, yearning | |
bukal | bread | |
burt-nunu | fish pond | |
burtu | pond | |
cami | watchful, vigilant | |
chel | adventure, quest | |
chelii | escapee, adventurer, runaway | |
chelik | escape | |
chi | sweet | |
chin | right | |
chukata | luck place | |
chuki | chokie fruit | |
chuku | good luck | |
daiar | listener | |
dama | gem, stone | |
dantu | needle, pin | |
dantu | spine | |
dantu-quishhu | bristlemelon | |
darra | to be invaded, to be conquered | |
de-aka | cool wind, breeze | |
depu | to kidnap, to deliver into slavery | |
depuan | chained, fettered | |
deran | friendship | |
dia | cold | |
dia | ice | |
dimas | to weep, to lament | |
dirigum | funnel flower | |
dol | food, nourishment | |
dol tahbanthu | milk bread | |
duizan | dweezel fruit | |
duka | junk | |
elat | in addition, apart from | |
eperukuru | dust-corn | |
epiru | dry earth, dust | |
epiru-kibtu | dust wheat | |
ereibu | to finish, to come to an end | |
erqu | gray, neutral colors | |
erretu | improvised damn, barrage | |
essa- | though, by way of | |
falolesk | hell | |
galump | kalump | |
gan | older woman, honored woman | |
gar | older man, honored man | |
gavin | handsome, pretty | |
gilah | kilah bat, sand bat | |
hahu | to spit out, to spew | |
hala | milky, sweet | |
hala | nourishing | |
halbantu | bantha milk | |
halbu | milk | |
halged | milk liquor | |
hallulta | haluta centipede | |
hamaru | spit, saliva | |
hinil | pirate, outlaw | |
hrugaag | gravel maggot | |
hulu | mouse | |
hurg | maggot | |
ima | veil | |
imer | veiled, secretive | |
iskar | blood | |
iskar-e-maru | blood and water | |
iskarint | blood ants | |
ittimma | in addition, as well | |
itza | cooking fire, hearth | |
janek | dune cat | |
japor | japor tree | |
japrazu | japor seed pod | |
japurushu | japur wood, japor ivory | |
javva | Jawa | |
javvatakka | Jawaese | |
jedai | Jedi | |
jenna | love | |
jerbatilu | jerba cord | |
jerpa | jerpa | |
jiir | to find, to catch | |
jiir | to remark upon, to care about | |
jiir | to search for | |
jiir | to see | |
jira | community | |
jiral | unity, of community | |
juju | to kidnap | |
jul | flame, ember | |
kalrutu | to be allowed to , may | |
kari-amu | to become a mother, to become pregnant/gravid | |
kattana | flax | |
keik | around, approximately | |
kelapu | change | |
kell | colorless, neutral | |
ken | symbol, letter | |
kentakka | amatakka sign language | |
ker | future | |
ker | horizon | |
kereth | horizon walker | |
keritel | kreetle | |
kest | star, the stars | |
khabbas-sarra | womp weasel | |
khabbas-shiru | womp rat | |
khepa | sun, star | |
khepaqalu | sunburn | |
kibtatoo | dry gene wheat | |
kibtu | kibtu wheat | |
kiki | a, any | |
kild | dewback | |
kild-pelu | dewback egg | |
kirdaki | death seed | |
kkepu | giving | |
klatun | indoctrinated slave | |
klatunin | Klatooine | |
kolak | empty | |
kolak | nothing | |
kolav | to improvise, to make do | |
kollo | broken | |
kona | insurance | |
koppacha | pod race | |
kordi | sugarwood, liqorice | |
korra | corren | |
kovu | skin-contact | |
krekta | healer, repair person | |
krinch | crunchbug | |
kriti | small bird, songbird | |
kuimmazu | tezirett seeds | |
kuimmu | tezirett plant | |
kukuru | corn | |
kurio | seduction | |
kurra | hearty food | |
kus | to eat | |
kus | to feed (to someone) | |
kushu | shark | |
kuskus | cooked grain | |
kusqanuh | mealworm | |
kusur | sarlacc | |
kuun | promise giver | |
kuunakin | promise giver | |
lah | wet | |
lahdunu | rock rose | |
lanal | plenty | |
lappa | fritter, crepe | |
lav | to make | |
lei | might, power | |
lekku | lek, head-tail | |
lekku | moonspinner | |
lika | sea | |
logra | logra | |
luk | fury | |
luk | justice | |
luk | righteousness | |
lukkema | Lukka's judgement | |
luqu | yellow | |
luqu | yellow | |
malkh | Tuskan March | |
manak | manak plant | |
mandotakka | Mando'a | |
marashashtu | ceremonial bowl of water | |
marstrap | swindler, sweet-talker | |
massiff | massiff | |
masu | butter | |
masu japraza | japor-butter | |
mei | tea, broth, juice | |
mei gilgib | venemous bat | |
mei shihr | meat stock | |
melee | mele bush | |
migasha | expensive | |
minok | mynok | |
mish | ball | |
misu | to reminise | |
mivitt | meewit | |
molo | molo shrub | |
murek | purple | |
murek | outsider, outlander | |
naka | porridge, pudding | |
nalanu | freeborn, freeborn person | |
nalla | birth, hatching | |
nalu | soul, spirit | |
nambut | rock hornet | |
naolu | to preserve | |
nar-orpali | chemi lizard | |
nartu | canal, channel | |
nayok | mokery, cruel joke | |
nel | from, of | |
nim | power, agency | |
nu | name, callsign, identity | |
nuna | fish | |
nunertu | to fish | |
nunkal | fish cake | |
nushu | abundance, prosperity, fertility | |
ome | to light up (an area), to shine | |
orrin | bird of prey | |
padu | to absolve, to forgive | |
padu | to redeem | |
padu | to show mercy | |
palaku | dune lizard | |
pampaq | jewel, jewelery | |
parin | philosopher | |
paspa | waterfowl | |
patilu | rope | |
patu | canal, border | |
peri | near-human person | |
perka | adult male human | |
pokki | pocky grub plant | |
potta | podracer vehicle | |
puntan | poonten grass | |
qahnu | worm | |
qalu | to roast, to burn | |
qelin | to tell a story, to talk | |
qelinnu | story | |
qish | melon, gourd | |
rah-sese | sandfly | |
rahlika | sand sea | |
rahshi | sand-like, rough | |
ranak | rancor | |
ranta | territory, state | |
rap | manner of speaking | |
rap | tongue | |
rap | words | |
rashparris | sand raiders, outlaw group | |
ratapa | knife | |
ravvor | raivor | |
riiv | ship, starship | |
rillika | dune sea | |
rillo | dune | |
rinnu | rebirth, renewal | |
riya | trail, path | |
rubakk | rust | |
rukka | spider | |
rukka | spinner, weaver | |
rutu | to stop, to end | |
rykritt | rycrit | |
rylotakka | Ryl, Twi'leki | |
rymalla | goodbye, farewell | |
sahru | broom | |
samgedim | desert gin | |
sapa | dye | |
sapa | marinade | |
sasi | moth | |
seek | peace | |
selentakka | Sleantah | |
sese | fly, flying insect | |
shamaru | to sluice, to irrigate | |
shammanu | dragonsnake | |
shashtu | bowl, cup | |
shatto | fast | |
shatto | faster | |
shem | knowledge | |
shihr | meaty | |
shihr | meat | |
shihr-kild | dewback meat | |
shihr-shiru | rat meat | |
shiik | red beer | |
shubbe | sausage | |
shulku | suitable, allowed | |
shursu | foundation, base | |
shutinnu | bat, flying mammal | |
shutinnu-sudu | whirling bat, whirl bat | |
si | way, way of thinking | |
sihra | rat | |
silya | medicinal plant | |
skal | fight | |
skaldepan | gladiator, fighter slave | |
skalta | killing, murder | |
skaltu | murderer, victor | |
skutz | scurrier, a rodent | |
slikatakkan | ancient Klatooinean | |
spida | speeder | |
sudu | to whirl, to spin | |
suru | ditch, puddle | |
ta | hide out, shelter | |
tabtu | salt | |
tag | white-hot | |
tahu | to murder, to kill violently | |
tak | tan, light brown | |
takka | dialect | |
tando | to fix, to repair | |
tapa | thank you | |
tavetabtu | red salt | |
temata nala | midwife, OB-Gyn | |
tematta | help, assistance | |
tenek | green | |
tenek | green | |
terak eperu | desert world | |
terak sapiu | swamp world | |
terak tabti | salt desert | |
teramitta | Tatooine, planet of Tatooine | |
tiba | success, achievement | |
tiben | successful, fulfilled | |
tibora | answer, gift | |
tikrut | togruta | |
tilek | twi'lek | |
toba | second time | |
tokruti | Togruti | |
tonipa | credit, republic credit | |
torazu | driss seed pods | |
toris | driss flower | |
tovur | hunger, starvation/yearning | |
truna | troona | |
tsu | number | |
tuatakka | TĂșathcanĂșit | |
tuka | adult | |
tukagga | to grow up, to become an adult | |
tukras | Tusken, sand person | |
tzigranta | Zygerian Empire | |
tzigratakka | zygerian language | |
tzinnshiru | fang-rat | |
tzinnu | tooth, fang | |
ubba | Hubba gourd | |
ubbakal | ubba bread | |
ula | blue | |
ulanuna | bluefish | |
ummurek | extravagant | |
upetzu | market | |
upnu | fist, fistful, handful | |
uppedapalu | dry dazzler | |
uppudu | to blind, to dazzle | |
urusai | urusai | |
ushku | bird of prey | |
ushum | snake | |
uttakka | Basic, Basic language | |
uttar | city center | |
uttar | Core Worlds | |
uttranta | Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire | |
vapusa | vaporator | |
vassira | vassira, a ceremonial enslavement | |
vellekka | gilded person', favored slave | |
vellu | decorated, prettied up/gilded | |
velt | gold | |
ven | silver | |
vintom | flow | |
vul | hutt | |
vul-ralthin | cho nor hoola, huttese stew | |
vulanda | t'landa Til | |
vulkadik | hutt clan, kajidic | |
vulranta | hutt-space, hutt territory | |
vultakka | Huttese | |
vuta-pelu | woodu eggs | |
vutu | woodu | |
waklutu | inspector, supervisor | |
waru | memory | |
yana | gloomy place, shadowy place | |
yana | shadow | |
yantak | dark brown | |
yunek | thunderclap | |
zikesh | zicx | |
zizru | cricket | |
zukka | zucca | |
zuqaqi | zukaki, purple mantis | |
looseleafteavees-C | akka | sentient |
dara | to dance | |
dia | to see | |
diral | community | |
echundia | to spy | |
echundiu | spy | |
irikke | back, spine | |
kari | change | |
karia | to become | |
leimasaileth | storyteller, poet | |
luk | true | |
lutva | dangerous | |
pan | flat | |
panirikka | to lie down | |
vavi | foot | |
fialleril-C | akkar | wind |
attandi | older sibling | |
attani | younger sibling | |
attannu | elder sibling | |
bera | to sing, (I) sing | |
berura | song | |
berurakin | singer | |
dakk(u) | strong | |
dakka | strength | |
depa | to chain | |
du | bigger (compared to) | |
echu | secret | |
ekke | sky | |
kan-amu | grandmother | |
keekta | to remember | |
keepa | to give, to provide | |
makka | to trick | |
mattama | wellbeing, mental health | |
nu | (something else) is big compared to, small | |
reea | to fly | |
reea | to walk, to travel (across) | |
reth | walker, one who walks with purpose | |
shm(u) | wise | |
ska | alphabet | |
tena | to live, to survive | |
tera | desert | |
upana | younger brother | |
upanda | older brother | |
vikka | child | |
blw-C | alut | orange |
daia | to listen | |
dimasa | to cry, to lament | |
ilana | to follow, to be lead | |
jantaka | to want, to struggle for | |
nel(u) | arriving from | |
rahshum | sandsnake | |
rimake | goodbye, farewell | |
sapa | to soak, to drench | |
skutza | to scurry | |
teramitt | endurance of the world | |
ubbatah | ubba bread | |
ushuv | wood | |
ven(u) | silver colored | |
vida | to please, to be sensual | |
yan | alleyway | |
looseleafteeaves | amakenna | mother's script |
amakentakku | amatakka sign language | |
amnalev | free spirit | |
at | with, accompanied by | |
benu | to grasp, to hold tightly | |
benudu | hand | |
benusi | to carry, to support | |
chelee | to flee, to run away | |
darakarikehr | dance | |
depi | to chain, to force | |
depua'beru | slave chip | |
dera | friendly | |
deri | to do something kindly | |
dureth | feet, walking organ | |
ebi | giggle | |
echunta | hidden place | |
ekik | the (non-sentient) | |
ekkrelev | ekkreth-hearted | |
ekkrelev | genderfluid person | |
ekkruba | to cause problems | |
ekuro | the (sentient/sapient) | |
rigu | moving downwards | |
rigu | underneath, on | |
rin(u) | what | |
sahrinnu | cleansing, cleaning | |
sesi | to go, to move away from | |
sesiel | to come, to move toward the speaker | |
sesikar | to be blown, to sway | |
shisesi | to flow | |
shka | if | |
shka | maybe | |
shu | many, a lot | |
ska | to hit, to punch | |
skrim | bone | |
sudamn | magic | |
tagralev | white heart' | |
tagralev | bloodlust | |
takretevi | welcome | |
takreti | hospitality | |
talev | home, house | |
tavrulev | red-heart | |
tenekalev | renewed, hopeful | |
tenula | blue-green | |
tenulalev | angry, dangerous | |
trepi | to smuggle | |
trepler | smuggler | |
uba | clever, cunning | |
ulalev | joyful, grateful | |
ulava | to give thanks | |
vellta | to keep | |
venalev | steadfast, calm | |
vi | (child determiner) | |
yanashal | Jedi on the Freedom Trail | |
adragonsfriend | Amariimin | Amarimin, Amavikka sign language |
amvi | parent (child gender), parental figure | |
amvivu | parent (child gender), parental figure | |
aniarei | conspirator | |
anuba | anooba | |
arlava | to be made of, to be constituted of | |
at | the specifically' | |
Ay-leli | shining one, light one | |
azuvish | soon | |
baar | stone, rock | |
baara | to wait, to be stone-like | |
banta | bantha | |
batuu | home | |
benan(u) | long, long and thin | |
bensha | to give, to give freely | |
berana | to speak, to chat | |
beranaa | word | |
beranu | speaker | |
blaka | to remember | |
chelda | to partner (oneself to), to be married (to) | |
chev | person | |
chevara | life | |
chevzee | stranger | |
d(u) | (something else) is small (compared to), bigger | |
darar(u) | similar to, like | |
dav | until | |
depurrei | slave auction | |
der(u) | red | |
deska | to free (someone) from slavery | |
deskara | freedom | |
deskariura | freedom trail | |
detha | to wear down, to break | |
dian | eyes | |
dimani | unfallen tears | |
dir | in ones hand, from ones hand | |
echal(u) | rare | |
eev(u) | exposed | |
eeval | patina | |
eevath | liberty, societal freedom | |
ekk(u) | blue, sky blue | |
eni | parent (3rd gender), ren | |
erda | to be firm, to be permenant | |
erda | to have used to | |
erdri | land, place | |
erk | white | |
ikkni | hive compartment | |
ikku | burrower | |
imerbaar | cave | |
jada | to run, to sprint | |
jadu | sprinter | |
kabenana | tail | |
kai | (genderfluid), uses any/multiple pronouns | |
kan-beranaa | story, tale | |
kan-eni | grandparent | |
kan-ipa | grandfather | |
kar | storm | |
karin(u) | wavering | |
karina | to adapt, to waver | |
ke | (something else) is earlier compared to, after | |
keh | wind, breeze | |
keikul | planet | |
kepa | to stand | |
kepi | constancy | |
l(u) | (something else) is less immediate compared to, sudden | |
lana | prey | |
le | metalic, shiny | |
le | light | |
lela | to shine, to glint | |
lerat(u) | sharp | |
leratn(u) | prickly | |
lesh(u) | fast | |
leshna | lightning | |
leshuvish | quickly | |
luta | to stop, to cease moving | |
mai | at, to(ward) | |
marapaasha | to cry, to weep | |
maru | water | |
naal | close, near | |
naala | to stay | |
nelrei | here | |
nittuatlu | tonight, this night | |
numsa | to be named, to be called | |
nuut | every | |
paash | for | |
panaal | family | |
pat | thread | |
pe | (something else) is less compared to, more | |
pit | about, of | |
puuta | to speak, to lecture | |
ratta | to protect, to keep safe | |
rattara | protection | |
rattu | protector | |
rattuben | ascended saints, far-away saints | |
Rattukuuna | promise-keeper, saint/prophet | |
re | (something) is more compared to, less | |
rei | with, to, alongside | |
reka | to hide (something), to cache | |
riimiluta | to rest | |
sesda | to go inside, to enter | |
sevdir | family | |
sevmarkent | gulley | |
shal | sun | |
shid | mountain | |
shiln(u) | tall, high | |
shilnten | tree | |
shilnteni | branch | |
shilnupe | highest | |
shma | to understand | |
shna | to strike, to hit, to punish | |
sija | to have | |
sip | at, inside | |
sipni | from, of | |
skutzu | scurrier, one who scurries | |
tah | bread, bread roll | |
tahrei | friend | |
takkarie | dialect | |
tari | child | |
te | (something else) is later compared to, before | |
tenada | to grow | |
teved(u) | undiscovered, unnoticed | |
tzel | head | |
Uma-da | Tuskan, Tuskan language | |
uman(a) | many | |
umanrei | group, league | |
umekala | to create, to create an evil thing | |
umekbaar | wall, artificial structure | |
upiala | to be sold, to be sold between depurs | |
uptil | item, commodity | |
vavaluta | to endanger | |
vavikenten | foot prints | |
veda | to find out | |
velvuluu | wupi | |
verp | fire | |
verpa | to burn, to glow | |
verpni | candle flame | |
vin | important, focused on | |
vuki | food | |
vuki | root | |
zee | away | |
zi | and | |
looseleafteeves | erqa | pale, light |
flensor | flensor bird | |
ganno | ganno succulant | |
gashibek | soft, expensive feeling | |
hal | milk | |
imer | id maker | |
itzka | family | |
jidu | eye | |
jilana | to stalk, to hunt | |
jishihr | prey | |
kashkaker | tomorrow | |
kashkalu | today | |
kashkato | yesterday | |
keita | away, not here | |
kenu | to write | |
kolruta-lu | without end, endlessly | |
kovuak | hook-up, sexual relationship | |
krek | to heal, to repair | |
lala | good, alright | |
levalut | nervous, scared | |
levlubek | strong emotion | |
levmurek | lonely, isolated | |
luqulei | sorcery | |
lutlu | surprise | |
lutva | danger | |
marushesi | liquid | |
mok | bad, wrong | |
nalikeh | life | |
nalnudukeh | breath | |
nalnudukeh | to breathe | |
nao | to save, to rescue | |
nudu | to do | |
ompa | to light up, to turn on | |
pari | to dream | |
pari | to think, to ponder | |
parinitt | to lie down to sleep, to bed down | |
parirukka | dream weaver | |
parni | to rest, to take a break | |
patag | bright, bold | |
pe | almost exactly | |
pe | near, beside | |
peha | to rise, to get higher | |
peha | to teach, to raise | |
ra | wild | |
rahshibek | sandy | |
rak | wild | |
reshikoa-bek | smooth, feels unlike sand | |
? | marupli | jar |
matlinka | matlinka snake | |
milu | attentive, focused | |
nalikehnu | to live | |
nel | gift | |
nelu | to give a gift, to gift | |
ninchif | land fish | |
puk | puk plant | |
shihrapalu | jerkey | |
veki | hello, hi | |
vekirana | to greet, to say hello | |
veltila | to enjoy, to like | |
veskal | iron, strong metal | |
underTen | ahrisa | meatball |
eopi | eopie | |
jappur | jappur wood | |
lamta | bean fritter | |
pika | pika fruit | |
polta | palta bean | |
sidi-qish | sidi gourd | |
amajiirvia | slave, amatakkan | |
vikolamu | slave who does not participate in the community and actively harms it | |
amaleia | mother's dragon | |
beru | beru flower | |
halbukal | milk bread | |
halmaru | sop, milktoast | |
ji-kest | star seer, way finder | |
koutovur | touch starvation | |
maratt | teacher, master | |
nar-depur | ex-slaver | |
terak | wild swamps | |
ansar | ansar root, tuber | |
ba | or, either | |
Benshusen | helpful spirits | |
Erdriamun | creator spirits, old spirits | |
se | (something) is close (compared to), farther | |
beranaa | speech | |
eperu-lappa | dust crepes | |
mil | attached to, coming from | |
riimi | hand | |
rukkpat | number | |
sipuzee | into, into a container | |
umeki | cut, tear | |
dekka | one-hundred | |
efin | fifty | |
efin-e-tsi | fifty-one | |
pu | but | |
depuvellta | chain gilder | |
kolnum | nameless | |
derirap | to command, to speak forcefully | |
leimasailu | storyteller, poet | |
malei | to call out, to cry out | |
malei | to yell, to shout | |
marst | to negotiate | |
masak | voice | |
rap | way of speaking | |
rapli | to speak, to make a statement | |
du | not, does not | |
echuni | Chenini | |
krayt | dragon, krayt dragon | |
eevalamu | great grandmother | |
eevaleni | great grandparent (3rd) | |
eevalipa | great grandfather | |
kestdev | cousin, friend, bro | |
sevdikest | cousin, non-immediate family member | |
gilu-khepa | Tatoo I, White Sun | |
ginsu | jinsu, painkiller herb | |
jerba | jerba | |
gizka | gizka | |
halbutah | milk bread | |
harukal | haroun bread | |
harutah | haroun bread | |
ilana-khepa | Tatoo II, Red Sun | |
imakin | costume, disguise | |
jedan | of the Jedi | |
karikehr | gale, strong wind | |
leimasail | sacred story | |
kkelina | to tell, to instruct | |
marata | to guide | |
kula | to lie, to lie blatantly | |
lev | heart | |
lev | moon | |
levadakka | strength of heart | |
tar-levu | latke | |
marka | to drink, to hydrate | |
minnva | hello, hi | |
rahshu | sand | |
rap | mouth | |
sylo | poet, storyteller | |
ruba | to cause, to catalyst | |
trepler | smuggler | |
rukkareye | knowledge preserver, travelling weaver | |
shina | to pour | |
shula | can, to be able to | |
skes | dust | |
tavekriti | little red bird | |
tavru | red, crimson | |
tesh | no | |
uma | to rend, to destroy | |
vikkamunak | slave, non-amatakkan |